5k for the last day

5k for the last day

This is a leap year. Today is Feb. 29th. We won’t see this again for four years. I had to run on the last day. I didn’t get as much rest as I wanted to last night because I was out until 11:30pm. I still have to run regardless. There was a route I planned to run along the mystic river but I missed that exist and ended up downtown. Hence, the importance of class. I parked by the gardens and run in Charlestown. I took it slow because the last time I ran was Thursday and I had PT. Friday my knee had a chance to rest.

To my surprise I felt good. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised with all of my PT and strength exercises. I was running and I didn’t feel any pain. What I noted, running a 5k outside took longer than I thought. I thought I was running more miles than I did. It took me 50 minutes to run a 5k.

I was being extremely cautious because I didn’t feel pain. I think that is self sabotage. I don’t need to be so cautious. I’m going to run sunday and I’m either going to do 4 or 5 miles, period.

For February I ran 32 miles. That is huge! I have to remember the victories and where I was two months ago.

Jurassic Start to the Month

Jurassic Start to the Month

Strides, hills, and ashes

Strides, hills, and ashes