Track run and day three of heatwave

Track run and day three of heatwave

COVID-19 ‘The Rona Era”

I am going to be a complainer. It’s so hot! Day 3 of the heat wave. Unfortunately this morning I have so much work things to do. Instead of not doing anything today. I told myself that I would run one mile on the track and do stadium steps. I did that. My pace was fast on the even track. I went around four times and I did 1.15miles around a 9:45min/mile.

Then I went up and down the stadium steps. I was doing this while feeling the sun on my back. She was coming out.

I’m glad I did this, this morning. The other option was to not to do anything at all and that would have been bad.

Moved the body in the heat. #winning

Summertime Ducks

Summertime Ducks

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