Sunday December Long Run ( 3rd Advent Sunday)

Sunday December Long Run ( 3rd Advent Sunday)

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Saturday it rained and it rained hard. I don’t run in the rain. Saturday was going to be a long run. Oh well, I did some stretches and kept the day moving. Sunday was a new day. The weather was going to be in the 60s. I had to get my long run in today. At 6a.m. the weather was in the 40s, totally doable. I drove to MIT to run along the Charles for my long run. I know a loop around is 7 miles.

Since it was so nice and the Charles Esplanade, I saw runners everywhere. What I noticed, all the runners were in pairs are groups. I saw a group, six Asian-Asian American runners, men running together, women running together, and couples running together. I was the only runner that was unpaired. I was fine with that. I counted two men running alone. Later in my run, I did see two women running solo. For a while, it was me and all the pair groups out on the pavement.

Gloves, hat, vest, and light, off I went. It was super windy when I started running. I wish I had put on a heavier hat because the ball cap was not doing it. I had to make it work. I made sure this time to check my earbuds. I’ve had two on me die while running, which was not good.

It has been a long while since I ran the full loop around the esplanade. My goal was to be strong and steady. I kept my pace. While running, I saw all my stalkers out. They were everywhere. I’m sure if there was a conference going on or if they were celebrating advent. Maybe it was such a nice morning and they wanted to enjoy it. Whatever the reason, I felt they were following me on my route, once I crossed over to the Boston side of the Charles.

I kept running.

I think the stalkers might have displaced the squirrels. On my route, I saw all the squirrels out, eating their nuts. Breakfast time, I guess. I’ve never seen so many squirrels eating nuts while the geese behind them were eating too. Maybe rain makes for good eating the next day.

My body felt good and strong. I checked my running app and it was around 4.40 miles- on the Boston side. Then I checked it again and it was 6.50 miles. By that time I was running near memorial drive near MIT. I was still feeling good and strong. I wasn’t in a hurry. I decided to extend my running route to memorial drive, then Mass ave, to Kendall square and back to memorial drive to my car.

When I reached my car and passed several paired and groups running along the way, I ran 8.66 miles. I shocked myself. I could have gone for 9 but I stopped. This was my furthest run this month.

Yeah. I’m trying to some my body until January when I start marathon training to run a half marathon. Running that long, flared up my pelvic floor. It was good to take notice of this.

Monday a.m. light show

Monday a.m. light show

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