4th Sunday Advent run

4th Sunday Advent run

COVID-19, “ The Rona”

This is the last Sunday before Christmas. This will be my last run before heading off to Iowa with the Iowan. It’s 33 degrees out, cold, and light snow on the ground this morning. This morning I ran around Horn Pond. Besides a couple of people and the stalkers, I had the pond to myself. I ran late this morning. 7:45 a.m. late. I wanted to sleep in because 7:45a.m. tomorrow I will be on a plane. It is important to move my body before I start checking the last “to do” items off of my list.

I felt good running this morning. I took a side path to go around a part of the pond so I could see the swan and the ducks. One can say I did some adventure running. 2.58 miles when I finished my loop. That was good for a Sunday late a.m. run

10k a.m. Iowan run

10k a.m. Iowan run

Friday a.m. sun and beach run

Friday a.m. sun and beach run