Friday a.m. sun and beach run

Friday a.m. sun and beach run

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

It feels like a fall morning in October instead of a December morning. Today the weather will be in the 50s, so I had to capitalize on this and run the beach. I had planned on waking up earlier and running on the beach. That didn’t happen. Sleep won. I’m not complaining about that.

I drove to Revere Beach and was there by 6:24 a.m. I was able to witness the sun, slowing rising above the water. I started off walking the beach and listening to the Marco polo from my friend Jenny. She reached out to us( friend group) that her depression was bad and she needed to be around her friends. Which I get. The fall, decemeber, the holiday season, isn’t joyful for everyone. Sometimes this time of year can be a trigger for many folks. After 10 holiday seasons without my mom, I’ve gotten better but it’s still not the best time of the year. I don’t do christmas cards or decorate. But what I will do is shared experiences and gatherings. I make the time to see my friends. Do coffee, lunch, dinner, or some other kind of outing and that works for me. Spending quality time with people.

While walking on the beach and listing to Jenny’s message, I told her if she wanted to walk in the woods or beach, let me know. It would be nice to be outdoors and moving. Covid, as know has only made it worse for many people with depression or whom normally aren’t out during the winter months.

Today, it feels like fall. The weather is great and the sun is saying hello. A perfect day for a beach run. I ran 4 miles along the beach. It was magical to see the sun slowly creep up into the sky. I could have run more miles. But today is the Iowan’s birthday and I wanted to bring him coffee. And today is the last day of my writing workshop. While I ran, I just took the sounds of the air, water, and my stalkers. On mornings like this, it is nice to run, to think, and to be.

4th Sunday Advent run

4th Sunday Advent run

Stalkers and colors in the sky

Stalkers and colors in the sky