10k a.m. Beach Run

10k a.m. Beach Run

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I went to bed extra early, so I’ll be able to get up and out the house early this morning. Usually, I am out the door by 5:30a.m. In the last several weeks, it has been hard to get out of the bed and get motivated. Now I start running around 6 a.m., which really isn’t that bad. When there is so much work stuff and fires to put out, I need to get up early otherwise, I’m rushing when I get back home to address those fires. That’s something I need to work on.

Today, I managed to get out of the house by 5:40a.m. If I stayed in my neighborhood to run, that would have been great. Instead I drove to Carson Beach to run. When I got there it wasn’t 6 a.m. yet. Yeah. I love when I run early into the sunrise. Right now, sunrise is around 6:15a.m. I think running into the light. From darkness to light. I need to get my behind up earlier.

At Carson Beach, it was 50 degrees out and not a lot of wind. I ran around Castle Island before running along Carson Beach. South Boston is an interesting place for runners and walkers. There were many walkers and runners out by 6 a.m. Carson Beach and Castle Island boarder South Boston. All of those residents have the privilege to exercise around the water compared to other communities that may not have green space, open space, or beach space.

Running the 10k my body told me that I did not properly hydrate or have the right nutrition. I got tired while running. Just another sign that I’m not half marathon ready. My pace was good. I had a couple of nine minute miles. 9:57 and 9:48. Overall 6.01 miles. 1:01:16 duration at 10:12 min/mile.

I actually got hot while running, spring is on the comeback and so am I. :)

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