5k Wednesday

5k Wednesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

More snow yesterday evening. This morning, I wanted to wait a bit for the sun to melt the snow. I waited until after 6 a.m. to run. In addition, I am on my period. I feel tried and heavy. I know I can do a 5k this morning before getting ready to teach. I went out in the brisk morning and race some miles. Spring is coming (March 14th- daylight savings) because sunrise happened around 6:58 a.m. Before sunrise was after 7:15am., it’s getting brighter. I forced myself to run up some hills in the morning traffic of Eastie. I did see one man, wearing read jacket and tights run. I tried to follow him, but that didn’t last long. Overall I was able to keep things moving on a Wednesday. Next up, 10k. 3.13 :32:12. 10:18min/mil

Year of the Ox

Year of the Ox

Two mile Tuesday

Two mile Tuesday