40 degree 5k a.m. walk

40 degree 5k a.m. walk

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Normally this would be a 10k a.m. humpday run. Or at least an attempt to run a 10k on Wednesday. I’m still in recovery from surgery. Yesterday was a rest day. Today it is going to be 50 degrees for a winter Wednesday. I realize I can still mix things up even through I’m walking. I can still drive to different places for different walking routes and views. Today I walked through the Boston Commons and Public Gardens for my 5k walk. I wanted to see the ducklings and visit the area since it has been such a long time since my last visit. I walked by Government Center, downtown crossing, state house, and the commons and gardens.

I was layered just right for the 40 degree weather at 6 a.m. My walk pace was improving from a 17 min/mil to a 16 min/mil. I wanted to have a vigorous walk, not a lacked one. Still moving and getting in a good cardio walk. 3.11 miles in under 58 minutes. I’ll take it.

Still taking it slow and healing.

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Last four for February

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