Monday and Bees

Monday and Bees

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Today starts week 2 of post surgery recovery. I wanted to get Monday’s walk in before it got hot. I drove to the local grocery store, parked my car and then started my walk. After I’m done I can just go to the grocery store. Since I’m not running, it would take me more than two hours to walk back home and get my car.

Luckiely, the location of Market Basket in Chelsea is near the Mary O’ Malley Park. I walked through the park and saw a formation of geese in the water. I did see a couple of people walking around the park as well. The park is also under the Tobin Bridge. As the sunrise was rising, I could feel and see the glow of the sun through the bridge.

And there were bees. I don’t think I’ve been bees in while. We have been in a pandemic. The bees were all over the flowers. I was excited to see them and I will add them to the stalker list.

After walking through the park, I started walking on the streets. Parts of Chelsea is very industrial and busy. I decided to walk and explore. I crossed train tracks, construction sites, a dunkin donuts. The morning started to get busy around this area as many of the workers started their day, before 7 a.m.

I had to be careful. In this area the sidewalk had disappeared. I walked on the grass and I made sure to walk a bit faster until I could find the sidewalk again. My pace did pick up some. This morning I stayed at a steady 18min/ml pace compared to last week 19 min/mile.

I completed my 3.80 mile walk. then headed into the almost empty store. It was fabulous. All of the aisle direction arrows and six feet about stickers were gone. The cashiers still had their mask on and I went into the store with mine. It was nice that I finished my walk and was in and out of the grocery store all before 7 a.m.

Deer Island Tuesday

Deer Island Tuesday

Sunday 4 miler Beach Walk

Sunday 4 miler Beach Walk