Sunshine and miles

Sunshine and miles

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

This would normally be a 10k a.m. humpday run. But it wasn’t. After running over 8 miles on Monday and letting my body rest on Tuesday, I wanted to ease into Wednesday. I ran 4.52 miles this morning, which was my ease. At 5:00a.m. when I woke up, it was still dark. I’m not ready to run in the dark just yet. I want to hold onto the morning daylight, while I still can. I didn’t leave the house until 5:45a.m. I had time to work on my breathing and stretching before I left. This morning I drove to Deer Island in Winthrop. It had been a while since I ran around that island.

As I was driving to Deer Island, I saw people out walking and riding their bikes. The lack of morning light was not a deterrent to these folks. When I started running there were only 8 people walking around. I was the only runner. It was beautiful, peaceful and cool. After the two mile mark, the sun started to come up. It was a sight to see as the sun slowly started to rise and the beams of light touched everything in its path.

This is one of the reasons why I love running in the morning. I took it all in. Running around the island is 2.50 miles. I continued to run beyond the island. I planned on doing a 10k but I reminded myself that I was not doing that today. I started to get a good strive and groove going and I didn’t want to stop. I could keep running. I had to be mindful and start. Tomorrow or Friday, I’ll get six miles in. But not today.

As I was heading back to the island to finish my miles, I saw a sign that reminded me of the power of voting and voting rights. Unfortunately, that battle is long from over…Texas. We shall persist.

4.52 miles; 47:11mins; 10:26ave/pace

Mile 1: 10:32

Mile 2: 10:03

Mile 3: 10:12

Mile 4: 10:42

Mile 4.52: 10:42

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