10k post Holidaying

10k post Holidaying

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

I’m back! I was gone for 5 days in Iowa. The weather was below 10 degrees the entire time, which is my threshold for not running. To add insult to injury, a couple of the days the temperature was in the negative and the interstate( I-35) was shut down because of the weather. No running could happen.

We got back early Wednesday morning. When I woke up later today, I thought, why not go for a run, it’s been a while. I made sure to go slow and steady. My body still remembered how to do this running thing. I know I was not eating and drinking correctly while gone. My body felt a bit tired. After mile 3, I felt my groove. Before I knew it I was 5.50 miles in. Why not make it a 10k a.m. humpday run since it is the last one of the year.

It was a bit of a mini struggle but It felt so good to run and be out and about. Especially since it is a lot warmer here than in Iowa

Thursday 7 miler

Thursday 7 miler

10K a.m. Beach Run

10K a.m. Beach Run