Last Wednesday of Winter

Last Wednesday of Winter

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

This the last Wednesday of Spring. She is fully appear on the 20th. In the meantime she is knocking on winter’s door. This morning, it was 42 degrees, perfect running weather. Normally this would be a 10k a.m. humpday run. I have to see the plastic surgeon at 8a.m. I tried to get up early to run so I can make my appointment on time.

I got up at 5:24a.m., early enough. Now I have to incorporate my stretching exercises. That is a must that I have to do. That takes some time before I get dress. In my wisdom, I drove to Deer Island to run because it had been a while. I didn’t get to Deer Island until 6:10a.m.

I knew my goal of a 10k wouldn’t happen because of my time crunch. I own that mistake but I would make the best of the situation. Less layers and headlight on my head I started to run around the island.

It was peaceful and relaxing. I saw two people walking their dog but that was it. They were gracious to get out of my way as I ran.

My knees and body felt good post acupuncture on Tuesday. I felt strong and good. When I made it around the island it was 6:50a.m. There was no way I could do that 10k and make my 8a.m. appointment.

4.08 miles done. At least something is better than nothing.

Afterwards I booked it home. Of course there was traffic. I didn’t get home until 7:34 and I booked it. As I’m driving like a bat out of hell and hitting every light on the way to the hospital, I was late. I didn’t get there until 8:10am. Then I found out my appointment was 8:30a.m.

So I could have taken my time and parked in my secret spot instead of paying $8 for parking. What are you going to do? In hindsight, I still couldn’t have gotten a 10k without starting the run earlier.

Tomorrow is a new day

Foggy and Green 7 miler

Foggy and Green 7 miler

Eyes of March for Track Tuesday

Eyes of March for Track Tuesday