Not ready for Saturday's Heat

Not ready for Saturday's Heat

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

Long run Saturday. I wanted to get out early for a long run today. Today is also going to be hot, like in the 80s hot. Of course I needed to beat the heat. I made my way to Franklin Park, because it has been a long time since I ran in the park. I thought today would be a good day for it. By 6 a.m., it was 68 degrees. I was not ready for it. I had on too much clothing, that was my first mistake. I should have had water and a snack before I ran, that was my second mistake. My third mistake was not putting on sunscreen. Again, so not ready to run in this weather.

When I got to the park, it was a Turkey fest. They were everywhere. By the golf clubhouse, on the hill, by the walk path. I wasn’t ready for that either.

I started running. I knew I should go slow to preserve my energy. Running in the shade was great. When I wasn’t in the shade, that’s when the sun and the heat hit. I kept on going. I saw lots of people out golfing and walking. I didn’t see anyone else running expect for me.

I finished at 4 miles. Then I realized that the Black Men Run and Black Girls Run Saturday meet up was happening at 8a.m. in Ashmont square. I was so close to the square, I had to go and say Hi and partake in a quick run. I arrived just before they started to run. By 8a.m. it was 82 degrees and I was still not ready to run in this weather. I over dressed. I ran with the men and some our ladies. I opted to run the 5k and do run 5 miles.

It was great to run with other people because I usually run alone. We were pacing and encouraging each other along the way. I have to make sure to meet up with them at least once a month to run together.

Besides the heat, it was a good 5k route. And I ended up with 7 miles on my shoes today.

Monday and Geese fest

Monday and Geese fest

Foggy Pond

Foggy Pond