And we are at the halfway month

And we are at the halfway month

COVID-19 “The Rona Era”

Today I wanted to stay in a bed a little bit longer. Instead of getting up to run at 5, I ran at 6 a.m. At 6 a.m. it was still bright and cool at. Thankfully it was 57 degrees and it wasn’t super hot.

I needed to run to let the energy out from the craziness of the man in the white house, who wants to kill us all. I needed to run to get some fresh air and process all the world events of chaos.

Normally this would be Track Tuesday. Norm is gone. Just to make me happy I ran at the local track. With the nice weather and sun out so early, everybody came out. The track was the most crowded that I’ve seen it post Rona. There were people walking and running together. Other people were on the field doing strength training and their own workout. I actually wanted to run outside of the track and away from people, which I did.

3.30 miles for the first run in the month of June 2020. January 1, 2020 I had running and races goals for the year. Clearly that has been altered, I thought about as I was running. What a difference there has been in six months.

Thursday surprise

Thursday surprise

No words needed

No words needed